Week 4 (June 24 – 30)

Work for week 4

NOTE extension due date for Essay 1 final.

Here are the assignments connected to peer review of Essay 1 (due Wednesay, June 26 by midnight) and final draft of Essay 1 (due Wednesday, July 3 by midnight).

  1. Read about the peer review process.
  2. Do peer review for your assigned partner, and post both as comment on your partner’s blog and as post on your own blog.
  3. Read about revision process.
  4. Revise Essay 1 for final draft.
  5. Write a reflection on revision process.


  1. First, read info about peer review Thoughts on peer review.
  2. Next read the peer review questions for this essay below:
    • Consider the writer’s use of specific detail. Identify any particularly sharp, effective use of detail (by para. number or context, as in “I really get a clear picture of your plate of stew”). Indicate places where you think the writer might add more detail (either because something is unclear or could be made more vivid or engaging or understandable). If possible, include questions for the writer: “Could you describe a specififc time when you made popcorn?”, “This seems to be the crucial scene of the essay. Maybe add some dialogue here?)
    • Indicate by paragraph number which paragraphs seem to be primarily scene and which are mostly summary. Scenes should make you feel as if you’re right there with the writer, in a particular time and place watching events happen. Summaries are more of an overview of what happened over a period of time.
    • What seems to be the main “message” of the essay? What does the author seem to be saying about the significance of this food item, or what’s the ?  Point out any resonant lines that seem to have particular significance or emotional power (which may or may not be developed in the rest of the essay). Does the author include any commentary on the experience and what its significance was to him/her?
    • How does the structure of the piece work? What is its time frame? Is the order of events clear? How well does the lead work to engage your attention? any suggestions for possible changes in order?
    • What is/are the most successful aspects of the draft? What/s working well? You might indicate a particular part of the essay (lead, fight scene, reflection at the end) or point to the author’s voice or tone, choice of subject matter, vivid descriptions, wonderful style, etc.
  • Below, you’ll find your name paired with another student (unless you haven’t posted your essay yet–see below). Go to that person’s blog to find and read their memoir with the above questions in mind”answer all of the questions posed.As a comment on their post, answer the questions above, being as specific as you can. Comments should be addressed to the writer (for example, use “you” rather than saying something like “In this piece Susie does xyz.”) Then copy your comment and post it on your own blog, making clear with a title that it’s peer review of Essay 1 and whose essay you reviewed.
  • Note on Peer review partners. The person paired with you is your assigned partner; you may review additional people’s essays for extra credit. If you read a different person’s essay and find something to praise or respond to, feel free to make brief comments there as well–though these will NOT earn you extra credit.) If you have not yet posted a rough draft, you will not be assigned a peer review partner. If you get a draft posted in the next few days, feel free to let me know via email me, and I’ll try to find someone to review your draft.

Peer partners:

      • Amanda and Laura
      • Anna, please do Jaslyn; Jaslyn. do Natou’s; and Natou, do Anna’s
      • Ava and Ryan
      • Carley and Justin
      • Celia and Hannah
      • Jenny and JessStec
      • JSophia and Shauntee
      • Luis and Tilly

3. Before working on your revision of Essay 1, read over this material on revision process: Revision (be sure to read the short essay “The Maker’s Eye “at the bottom of the page, for use in reflection below) and Sentence-level revision.

4. Next,  revise your Essay 1, to be emailed to me as an attached file (.docx please, if possible) by Wednesday, July 3. Please wait to complete your revision until you get feedback from me, which I hope to have  done by Friday.

I also encourage you to post final draft on your blog, as a separate post from rough draft, to preserve a record of essay’s composition (and, for practical reasons, to make sure I can access it in case there’s an issue with attached file in email).

5. After you finish your revision,  please post a short reflection on your blog (at least 250 words) about your revision process for the essay, discussing how you responded to feedback (agree, disagree, what specific changes did you make or not make). In your reflection also make some connection to what you read in “The Maker’s Eye.”

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